Download José music, artwork, and coloring pages. You can also help get José produced in another language.

Ways to Get this Cartoon in Your Language

1. Lead a Team to Translate and Record the Audio

Have a vision for this tool to reach the unreached multitudes in public schools, in jails, in refugee camps, in rest homes, on printed materials, on social media, on television, and on radio. Think big!

Please contact us to let us know you are taking on the project. You can email us using the Contact form on this website. Please include your name, contact info, and the language or dialect. Once you commit to producing the audio in your language, we will tell all others not to. As a result, we need you to follow through and also not allow the project to drag on. It should probably take 2-4 weeks at most after you commit. Please keep us updated throughout the process so that we can pray and help in any way we can.

Pray for and located the “voices” for cartoon characters. Try to find voices that are sound similar to those in the English version. The cartoon has six characters: two girls and two boys (the children, including Jose), one adult lady (the teacher), and two adult men (the gospel guy and adult Jose).

Give all the people you choose a copy of the cartoon to watch so they can hear how each character should sound and what voice inflections their characters make.

Click here to download a Word document (.docx file) with the full script. Use this file to translate the script into your language. For each line, write the line in your language with the English line from the cartoon below it. Give the translated script to several people who know both languages to double-check your work.

Secure a recording studio or professional microphones. If securing a recording studio or professional microphones is not possible, do the best you can with what you have. Most laptop computers come with built-in microphones that can be used.

Record all the voices. The voices should be in sync with the English version as much as possible. Minimize background noise. Save the audio recording at the best-quality setting available.

It is important that someone directs the characters. Help the people you choose as characters speak up, show emotion, laugh, and basically match the style and spirit of the English version. The script cannot simply be read in a monotone voice. It has got to be fun, energetic, passionate, convicting, loving, and intense. Kids are used to watching fun-filled cartoons.

Record, record, and record until they get it right (recording the English version took about six hours in the studio).

Do not worry about the music or sound effects. The animator will do all of that.

The audio file should be saved as a uncompressed single tract. The file type should be either .AIF or .WAV. The quality settings should be 16 bit, 48kHz (Kilohertz). Probably the easiest way to send the file is by uploading the file to a DropBox folder and sending us the download link for it. If you have any trouble saving or sending the file, please let us know.

The cartoon contains a number of slides with words on them. We will need translations for each of these slides. Click here to download a Word document (.docx file) that lists all of the words that need to be translated. The document contains a line for each slide with a blank space for your translation below the line. Edit the document by filling in each blank space with your translation. Be sure to have several people double-check your work. Some English words or phrases may not carry over very well into your language, but the best you can. Probably the easiest way to send the file is by uploading the file to a DropBox folder and sending us the download link for it. If you have any trouble saving or sending the file, please let us know.

The final step is done on our end. We will send the audio file of the voices and the translated script to the animator. He will dub your audio onto the cartoon and replace the portions of the cartoon that display English words with your translation. This process may take a week or two. Once it is ready, we will upload it to this website and provide a download link for you. Done!

2. Donate to Fund a Translation

The goal behind the Jose cartoon project is to win the lost to Christ, not to make money. All the money donated goes toward producing the cartoon in other languages. Each translation project will cost $1,000-$1,500 to produce. The cost is for the animator to dub the audio file onto the cartoon and to substitute the portions of the cartoon that display English words the new translation. To donate, click the Donate button. You can specify which language version you would like your donation to go towards.

Ways to Use this Cartoon

  • Show the cartoon to all first-time visitors in Junior Church

  • Show the cartoon on a big day

  • Show the cartoon in public schools (especially third world countries)

  • Show the cartoon on television

  • Play the cartoon audibly on the radio

  • Have soul winners play it on their phones

  • Use the cartoon in backyard Bible clubs

  • Print QR code for the cartoon website on gospel tracts

  • Print QR code on cards to distribute at parades and soul winning

  • Have a Jose Sunday (anyone named Jose)

  • Have members post a link to the video on their social media

  • Play the cartoon at village services in third world countries

  • Show the cartoon at your next Vacation Bible School

  • Download and make DVD copies to give away